Wednesday, November 28, 2007

posters and drawings

I finally completed two large projects over thanksgiving break. I had a poster to make for a local event that actually recently just had a change of place. So I need to edit that.

But one project I am really excited about is the flyer I was asked to make for a Kimya Dawson show! If you know me well enough, you know how much I LOVE Kimya Dawson! I am really pleased with my work too.

Also, here are some sketches I have been working on. I want to try and design some Christmas cards to send out to my clients and friends and family. I just need to find the time.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Nature and all wonderful things captured in photos

I went and bought some old wildlife and informational books at St Vincent's thrift store yesterday. The books have some amazing photos in them. I didn't even scan all of them in, but here are a few I really liked from The Alps book I got for $.99