So, I am going to try and ween myself off of using the computer and doing computer art. I am going to finish the projects I promised people and then stop my band art.
Why am I doing this? Well, computer made art doesn't feel as good to me as picking up a pencil or charcoal and drawing. I don't get the same feeling of accomplishment when I make art on the computer as I do when I paint. I feel like my more traditional skills are starting to slack because I am not working them all the time. I am tired of design based art and I want to focus and master fine art.
I have this idea for an art show and I can't really accomplish it by doing band art/computer art at the same time. My commissions for flyers and other stuff just takes up way too much of my time and effort.
I also want my art to have more natural themes to them. Traveling-the wilderness-animals-people- all natural things. All natural themes. I want to start becoming more one with the outdoors and really learn to re-appreciate what mother earth has to offer.
This photo really ma

projects I am going to finish before taking a break:
Monster Zine
the very most's album cover
poster for Finn Riggins
poster for The Parachutes
Posters under name Awesome Opossum
and other stuff I may have forgotten about.
say good bye to monsters. say good bye to digital. good bye.