Last night was the show for Real Live Tigers, Karrie Hopper, Unicorn Feather, and A Seasonal Disguise @ community benefits. I was so scared that no one was going to come because it was the first show for the community benefits. But to my surprise, lots of people came! People came because of the flyers I had posted around downtown and folks really liked my work. I felt so good last night about what I had done, though the flyer they liked so much didn't have any of my drawings, just some digital alterings of a tiger (see previous blog to see the flyer). But it was still excellent feedback! Quite a boost of confidence and I was so happy to see people loving the new place. The show was a ton of fun and the bands from texas were so nice. I have met quite a few musicians from Texas the past few months and I have had nothing less of excellent to say about them. Really, fine folk come from that state. After the show we all went to Pie Hole and chit chatted about car games and wanting to move to Montreal (luckily for band mate, Karen, she already lives there) and talked about all kinds of nonsense and laughed at the drunks.
Ooh, also found out I will be having an interview by The Boise Beat, a local writeup on music and art and other happenings in Boise. Quite a nice surprise, hope the publication starts to get more notice from the locals.